Monday, March 24, 2014

Shower Revelations

I write a lot about God’s closeness, his love, and his involvement in our lives.  If someone were to sum this all up into one word, perhaps God’s ‘intimacy’ would be most fitting.  But why focus on such things? Why direct so much of one’s attention to the theme of love when so many other important topics exist?

My answer: dominoes.  (And no, I don’t mean pizza).

I had a revelation several years ago while taking a shower.  I began thinking about many of the common attributes that give life to friendships, such as always talking with one another, not being ashamed or afraid to express one’s self or how one truly feels; there are many incredible factors that play in.  But in my pondering, I came to an inspiring and tear-filled discovery.  I realized that through our many talks, fun discussions, and my sheer enjoyment for spending time with Him, God had become my best friend. 

An incredible aspect to a friendship with God is that He so obviously highlights the gems and beautiful attributes that are within us.  As you take on life together, you not only discover more and more about whom He is, but He constantly reminds and teaches you about your own identity.  You were made in His image, after all.    

You may have noticed in your close friendships that the more time you spend around one another, the more your jokes, lifestyles, and even the way each of you think becomes increasingly similar.  Chances are that you did not befriend one another with these results in mind, but like dominoes, all it took was the initial flick and the repercussions expressed themselves through every other area of your life.  This gives reason to my ample exuberance towards God’s love and our intimacy with Him.  I am not here to guilt-trip you into living, looking, and walking more like Jesus; but rather, to draw you so closely into your Father’s arms, that the only plausible result will be a life transformed by a friendship with the Divine.       

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