Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How To Find Yourself In The Bible

Believe it or not, you are written about in The Bible.  In Christ’s death, your old nature died with him; and likewise, in his resurrection, you were given new life.  Paul was infatuated with this new life and referred to it on numerous occasions throughout his letters to first century believers.  Some of the characteristics found throughout his writings, are so radical that one might assume us to be superheroes just by reading what our lives can entail.  And so to highlight many of Paul’s (and Jesus’) words in regards to our identity, here is a short glimpse at what the New Covenant life provides, as written personally to you:
You are a child of God.  You have been formed and fashioned in love.  This is the same love that eradicates your fears and grants purpose to your life.  You are loved by an inseparable force that not only believes in your life, but empowers it, daily.  The God that formed your bones and skin and mind, possessed you and has, Himself, become your very heartbeat.  You are the light of the world, and we all know what happens when light encounters darkness: we wouldn’t even label it a fight.  And you have no need to fight; you stand victorious in life, because God is for you and He has overcome the world. 

We empower darkness when we associate it as having any power at all.  But I assure you, hell’s weapons have been stripped away and its life-force is fleeting and coming to nothingness.  Demons hear God’s name and they tremble, and this is the same God that lives within you.  How should they respond, then, when you enter a room? The math is simple.  Your life has become a move of God. 

You are royalty, seated in Heaven, itself.  You are not loved for some promise you make or skill that you bring to the table.  You are loved, because you are you.  And He loves that about you!  Otherwise, grace would mean nothing more than performing adequately to earn an actor’s wages.  But your life is not measured by performance, as if God wanted you to go around trying to convince Him that you are someone else.  He already finds pleasure in you.  Believe what He says about your life and identity; because how you believe, is also how you live.        

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