Monday, April 7, 2014

I Hear Voices

Every year I become increasingly amazed at the specific details that God will speak to us as we listen.  Since my return from 60 Days Walking, I have been very particular about the next steps that I take in life; trying not to jump too hastily into just any job that comes my way.  But the cost of patience in such careful decision making often calls for some amount of trust.  Several weeks ago, I found myself asking God where I was to receive money for my living expenses, as my unemployed state was quickly depleting my bank account.  Immediately, an old co-worker that I had not seen or spoken to in over six months came to mind.  “Joyce is going to call you with a painting job,” God spoke clearly to my heart.  And of course, the next day I received that very phone call.  My mind was blown, but somehow I had expected it to happen that way, because after all, He is my Father; why wouldn’t He speak to me?

It was only about four years ago that I discovered God’s love for speaking to his children, but not just about the ‘important stuff’.  Many would consider it obvious that God speaks to us about decisions and direction, but I am convinced that he is equally interested in the day to day occurrences that even we don’t care that much about.  Why? Because God is intimate.  When speaking ‘religiously’ most might assume God has little care or interest in grocery shopping, watching television, or cleaning the house; but I would beg to differ.  On several occasions, God has even told me the names of characters in movies before they were introduced.  And many might wonder or ask, “Why would God tell someone things like that?” or “What importance or purpose was behind those things? What did you learn?” And honestly, I believe many of the words that God speaks are meant to be nothing more than a reminder of his closeness and a fruit of simply being involved in our lives. 

I understand that this can seem extreme, bizarre, and some may even assume that one needs to be some sort of “highly favored” or “special Christian” to hear God’s voice this way, but everything in me prays that you tear down the superhero mentalities that come with these sorts of testimonies.  The same Spirit that is in me, the same spirit that was in Paul, and the same spirit that was in Jesus, is alive and filled with an equal potential inside of you! God lives in you by His own choice!  There is no superhero status (beyond the idea that we have ALL become super humans through Christ, that is).  Yes there are differing gifts, and yes, people have their own passions and focuses, but God’s voice is here for the hearing, no matter your self-perceived status.  We serve a savior that calls himself “The Word”; I think that makes it safe to conclude that he might be a bit of a “talker”. 

When you pray, listen as much as you speak.  Ask God about the specifics of each day, each decision and even about the lives of people around you.  I promise that God is not shy, and I know that a God as willing to give as much as he has for you will want to talk to you just as powerfully. 

You are His child. 

You are His love. 

What is He saying to you today? 

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